Ascend Investing: An Evidence-Based Investment Approach

When investing in the capital markets, the majority of investors experience disappointing results. This can be attributed to a variety of factors including high costs, lack of discipline, or confusion about what really matters—or all of the above—in order to achieve superior investment returns.
At Ascend Wealth Management, we believe there’s a better way to invest!

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Mark Bourguignon
Accessing Roth IRAs Through the Backdoor: A Workaround for High-Income Earners

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are powerful tax-advantaged savings accounts that many investors are either not taking advantage of at all, or not in the correct manner. This White Paper addresses a unique strategy, the “Backdoor Roth IRA,” that helps investors reclassify taxable investments as tax-free (forever) savings every year, regardless of income level.

Doing so, can increase the after-tax buying power of these investments by 49%!

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Mark Bourguignon
Advanced Tax Planning: The Holy Grail of Investing

As a fiduciary, it is our obligation to do everything we can to maximize our client's wealth. In order to generate greater wealth, it is not enough to seek higher returns. A comprehensive wealth management plan pursues the highest possible returns at the lowest possible tax cost. These tax savings act as an almost immediate and risk-free cash flow benefit to your wealth.

Studies show the benefits of advanced tax planning can amount to 1-2% (or more) in additional annual returns. 

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